  • Name: Marie Zechner
  • Role: PhD Student
  • Contact:

Marie joined the lab in 2019 as a PhD student under the MRC Doctoral Training Scheme in Precision Medicine. Previously she completed a BSc in Molecular Biology and an MSc in Biochemistry and Molecular Biomedical Sciences at the Graz University of Technology in Austria, followed by an MScR in Integrative Neuroscience at the University of Edinburgh. From 2018-2019 she worked as research assistant at the Duguid lab at Edinburgh University, where she was involved in a project mapping a novel motor cortical area. She also has a background in graphic design, having received her high school diploma in graphic & communication design from the Federal Higher Technical Institute Ortweinschule. Her PhD focuses on elucidating how the genetics of Covid-19 compare to that of other diseases, aiming to identify shared disease-relevant genes that could reveal opportunities for drug repurposing. She is also a contributor to the Covid-19 MAIC project. Marie is jointly supervised by Prof Kenneth Baillie and Dr Erola Pairo-Castineira.