- Name: Sohan Seth
- Role: Senior Data Scientist
- Contact: Sohan.Seth@ed.ac.uk
Sohan is the Lead Data Scientist at University of Edinburgh’s School of Informatics, and runs the Data Science Unit at the School of Informatics. He has a background in Machine Learning and Data Science, and has extensive experience in dealing with a variety of data types including image, text, genome, spectra, spike trains and graphs. His research focuses primarily on building interpretable models for extracting information from scientific data. He is interested in the application of machine learning tools to solve problems in science, health, people and environment. He is a co-lead of the Advanced Care Research Centre, and as part of the Group he is developing machine learning models for analysing spectroscopy and endomicroscopy measurements. In his spare time, he enjoys watching sci-fi thrillers, playing racket sports, cooking for his family and a bit of gardening.