Creating space for future health

We use cutting edge science and collaborative clinical practice, to find, develop and test effective treatments at speed

Our culture and people

Encouraging leadership from everyone to achieve the core aims of our programme

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Targets identified
Robotics for Drug Discovery

One of our research themes within the Pandemic Science Hub focuses on developing cutting-edge robotics and AI-driven technologies to revolutionize drug discovery and therapeutic delivery, especially in critical care settings. By integrating advanced robotics with precision medicine, our...

Understanding Biology – How can we achieve immunity and repair while limiting tissue damage in infections?

Our immune system protects us against all kinds of infections and can quickly adapt to new and emerging threats. It is powerful in preserving our health. However, this system also relies on a finely balanced regulatory system, as...

Understanding Genetics – How Our Genes Influence Health

Genetics is the study of how traits and conditions are passed down from one generation to the next through genes. Genes are like the body’s instruction manual, containing the information that determines everything about us from eye colour...
